"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act." Proverbs 3:27

"A little money in the right hands goes a very long way. Cornerstone has an amazing leadership team that wisely uses its resources to carry out God's work. I have seen first-hand the great work of this vibrant ministry." --Dr. Bruce Main, Founder and President, UrbanPromise

"In July 2017, my daughter and I spent two weeks at Cornerstone Ministries with a small team from our church. Never have I been more impressed with a ministry. Each and every member of Cornerstone displayed a deep love for God and the children of Salima. They live in one of the world's poorest nations, yet they praise God all day long, expressing gratefulness and thanks for what they have. They never grumble or complain. They have a passion for God that is contagious. I was equally impressed with the ministry as a business activity. With a formal background in business administration, I am interested in evaluating how organizations are run. This ministry is strategic, efficient, and organized. It accomplishes great things with few resources. I am honored to be partnering with Cornerstone. --Diane James, Clifton, Virginia

"I first met Danneck in 2012 when he was a fellow with Urban Promise International in Camden, New Jersey. During our time together, I heard Danneck speak about his passion for the kids in Salima and his dream of one day opening Cornerstone Ministries. He spoke of a place where kids could come not only for academic support and tutoring, but also for mentorship and spiritual guidance. I have had the privilege of visiting Cornerstone twice and seeing the impact that Cornerstone is having throughout their community. They are creating real change in the lives of so many people. I am amazed by all they are doing and the ways in which they are continuing to grow. I anxiously await my next trip to Malawi and for the chance to see what God is doing at Cornerstone." --Holly Diegel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"My daughter and I visited Cornerstone Ministries for two weeks. I was inspired by the leadership and staff. They make sacrifices daily as they humbly and joyfully serve the youth in their community. They trust God to provide and guide them in being wise stewards of every resource. The young staff members dream of running orphanages and becoming teachers, healthcare workers, and role models in their communities." --Joanna Chandler, Burke, Virginia

"Before visiting Cornerstone in late July of 2017, I had very little knowledge of the organization, its structure, and goals. After spending two weeks there, I was blown away by their passion, strategy, and devotion. Cornerstone’s staff members overwhelm the community’s youth with love and encouragement to be faithful and to strive for their dreams. While at Cornerstone, I learned how difficult it is to progress in the Malawian education system. Regardless of the difficulties and very few resources, Cornerstone does an excellent job inspiring their students and staff to pursue their education, and push past the countless obstacles to follow their dreams. God has blessed this beautiful ministry with His love, and I am grateful for having had the opportunity to work with them." --Amanda Hampton, Denver, Colorado