"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12
Why should you invest in Cornerstone? The short answer is that God has been working MIGHTILY at Cornerstone since its founding in 2013. Here are a few of the ways God has been working:
We opened our After School Program in 2013 with 7 neighborhood children. Our 2017 After School Program served more than 200 kids! Why do kids flock to Cornerstone? Because parents see the transforming work of Jesus Christ in their children!
We built Cornerstone Christian High School from the ground up. In July 2017, 25 students successfully completed Form 1 (Grade 9) and will be promoted to Form 2. Facility expansion is currently underway, with the goal of adding children each year and accommodating 200 students in Forms 1-4 by 2020.
We have a highly talented team of teachers and leaders who selflessly pour out their lives for Salima's children. They volunteer their time, earning a very small stipend of about $30 monthly. They are devoted teachers, mentors, counselors, coaches, and ambassadors for Christ. Without their service, we would not have a ministry. Many of our staff are struggling to raise fees to attend college while serving at Cornerstone. Please pray that financial support will come their way and consider contributing if God so leads you.
In July 2017, we received a very generous donation of $4,500 to build a goat farm. When fully operational, it will generate monthly income that will help sustain ministry programs.
WILL YOU PARTNER WITH US?God has blessed us with many generous supporters. Would you join us on our journey to transform lives--one child at a time? As an affiliate ministry of UrbanPromise International, donations to Cornerstone Ministries are collected through UrbanPromise's non-profit partner, Network for Good.